Two by two the three rings form what topologists know as a Whitehead's link. Carved in plum wood. Size 6 cm.
Two by two the three rings form what topologists know as a Whitehead's link. Carved in plum wood. Size 6 cm.
Two by two the three rings form what topologists know as a Whitehead's link.
Carved in plum wood. Size 6 cm.

An alternating lace of twelve star shaped rings. Isn't it charming?
Carved in pear. Size 5 cm.
An alternating lace of twelve star shaped rings. Isn't it charming?
Carved in pear. Size 5 cm.
An alternating lace of twelve star shaped rings. Isn't it charming?
Carved in pear. Size 5 cm.

I see this sculpture as a 3D version of a viking ornament. Carved in mahogany. Size 5 cm.
I see this sculpture as a 3D version of a viking ornament.
Carved in mahogany. Size 5 cm.
I see this sculpture as a 3D version of a viking ornament.
Carved in mahogany. Size 5 cm.

On its way around the assembly each of the four coils circles three times around each of the others. Size 6.5 cm.
On its way around the assembly each of the four coils circles three times around each of the others. Size 6.5 cm.
On its way around the assembly each of the four coils circles three times around each of the others.
Size 6.5 cm.

The six rings come in three perpendicular pairs. On the picture the two rings that do not rest on the surface form a horizontal pair, twisting twice around each other, while forming simple (Hopf) links with each of the other rings. Carved in elm. Size 7 cm.
The six rings come in three perpendicular pairs. On the picture the two rings that do not rest on the surface form a horizontal pair, twisting twice around each other, while forming simple (Hopf) links with each of the other rings. Carved in elm. Size 7 cm.
The six rings come in three perpendicular pairs. On the picture the two rings that do not rest on the surface form a horizontal pair, twisting twice around each other, while forming simple (Hopf) links with each of the other rings. Carved in elm. Size 7 cm.

A real twister! On its way around the assembly each of the six coils circles three times around each of the others. Size 10 cm.
A real twister! On its way around the assembly each of the six coils circles three times around each of the others.
Size 10 cm.
A real twister! On its way around the assembly each of the six coils circles three times around each of the others.
Size 10 cm.

This piece was inspired by M. C. Escher's Double planetoid. I wanted the two parts to be topologically equal - it took me a long time to figure out how. I find the result very satisfactory. Carved in pear. Size 4.5 cm.
This piece was inspired by M. C. Escher's Double planetoid. I wanted the two parts to be topologically equal - it took me a long time to figure out how. I find the result very satisfactory. Carved in pear. Size 4.5 cm.
This piece was inspired by M. C. Escher's Double planetoid. I wanted the two parts to be topologically equal - it took me a long time to figure out how. I find the result very satisfactory. Carved in pear. Size 4.5 cm.

The cubeoctahedral symmetry of this model is dynamically unstable in a curious fashion. It tends to fall to rest in one of two tetrahedral positions, the four parts rotating in unison like a complicated gear when it shifts from one position to the other. Carved in mahogany. Size 5 cm.
The cubeoctahedral symmetry of this model is dynamically unstable in a curious fashion. It tends to fall to rest in one of two tetrahedral positions, the four parts rotating in unison like a complicated gear when it shifts from one position to the other. Carved in mahogany. Size 5 cm.
The cubeoctahedral symmetry of this model is dynamically unstable in a curious fashion. It tends to fall to rest in one of two tetrahedral positions, the four parts rotating in unison like a complicated gear when it shifts from one position to the other. Carved in mahogany. Size 5 cm.

Four interlinked trefoil knots. Trefoil knots seem to thrive in tetrahedral symmetry: this is the first work in a trilogy, and in addition to the trilogy, I have found two other interesting configurations of four trefoils. Carved in plum wood. Size 6.5 cm.Carved in mahogany. Size 5 cm.
Four interlinked trefoil knots. Trefoil knots seem to thrive in tetrahedral symmetry: this is the first work in a trilogy, and in addition to the trilogy, I have found two other interesting configurations of four trefoils. Carved in plum wood. Size 6.5 cm.Carved in mahogany. Size 5 cm.
Four interlinked trefoil knots. Trefoil knots seem to thrive in tetrahedral symmetry: this is the first work in a trilogy, and in addition to the trilogy, I have found two other interesting configurations of four trefoils. Carved in plum wood. Size 6.5 cm.Carved in mahogany. Size 5 cm.

This is number two in my Tetraknot trilogy. Carved in plum wood. Size 6.5 cm.
This is number two in my Tetraknot trilogy.
Carved in plum wood. Size 6.5 cm.
This is number two in my Tetraknot trilogy.
Carved in plum wood. Size 6.5 cm.

Titles may sometimes seem ad hoc. This mini sculpture, however, does look like six add signs hugging each other. I cast each piece in bronze with slightly less bend to allow assembly, then hammer the ends just enough to keep the pieces from falling apart, but not from rattling. Size 4.5 cm.
Titles may sometimes seem ad hoc. This mini sculpture, however, does look like six add signs hugging each other. I cast each piece in bronze with slightly less bend to allow assembly, then hammer the ends just enough to keep the pieces from falling apart, but not from rattling. Size 4.5 cm.
Titles may sometimes seem ad hoc. This mini sculpture, however, does look like six add signs hugging each other. I cast each piece in bronze with slightly less bend to allow assembly, then hammer the ends just enough to keep the pieces from falling apart, but not from rattling. Size 4.5 cm.

This sweet little thing hardly requires any explanation. Size 4 cm.
This sweet little thing hardly requires any explanation. Size 4 cm.
This sweet little thing hardly requires any explanation. Size 4 cm.

Its ten clover like rings form a halo around a hollow like a new born star. Carved in olive wood. Size 10 cm.
Its ten clover like rings form a halo around a hollow like a new born star. Carved in olive wood. Size 10 cm.
Its ten clover like rings form a halo around a hollow like a new born star. Carved in olive wood. Size 10 cm.

A "real" puzzle! This was inspired by a frequently asked question about my Wonder balls. The answer in both cases is: no, it cannot be taken apart. Carved in beech wood. Size 5 cm.
A "real" puzzle! This was inspired by a frequently asked question about my Wonder balls. The answer in both cases is: no, it cannot be taken apart. Carved in beech wood. Size 5 cm.
A "real" puzzle! This was inspired by a frequently asked question about my Wonder balls. The answer in both cases is: no, it cannot be taken apart. Carved in beech wood. Size 5 cm.

These balls are cut right to the center separating them into four parts that rattle gently when you roll the ball in your hand. I have carved several of these in various kinds of wood and also sold a few. Size 4 cm.
These balls are cut right to the center separating them into four parts that rattle gently when you roll the ball in your hand. I have carved several of these in various kinds of wood and also sold a few. Size 4 cm.
These balls are cut right to the center separating them into four parts that rattle gently when you roll the ball in your hand. I have carved several of these in various kinds of wood and also sold a few. Size 4 cm.